Why Choose Key to Music


Month to Month Lessons (no costly semester or annual contracts)
Our music school does not require semester minimums or yearly membership fees.  Our students are here on a month to month basis.  We want you at our school because you like our music lessons, not because you’ve signed a contract.

Free Recital Events Throughout The Year
We offer free concert performances for our students to perform at throughout the local community.  Key To Music does not charge the student or family to attend these Events.  Key To Music has a professional photographer take pictures at all of these events for free.

Key To Music Instructors
Our Music Instructors are University trained or have professional performance experience.  With multiple teachers for Guitar, Voice, Piano, Strings, Drums and Woodwinds, we are confident that we have the right instructor to meet your needs.  Our instructors have warm personalities, are extremely friendly and dedicated to teaching you the style of music that you want to learn.  Our Instructors teach how to read, write and perform music.